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逆浸透装置は、膜分離技術の駆動力として圧力を持つ一種の選択的スルー(ハーフスルー)膜機能であり、システムに加えられる圧力が水溶液への浸透圧よりも大きい場合、水分子は膜を絶えず通過し、中央パイプへの流れの後、水中の不純物の流出の一端で、 イオン、有機物、バクテリア、ウイルスなどは、膜の入口側に閉じ込められ、次に濃縮された水の流出端から排出され、分離と精製の目的を達成します。

Reverse Osmosis Equipment is the raw water through fine filter, particle activated carbon filter, compression activated carbon filter, and then through the pump pressure, the use of pore size of 1/10000μm (equivalent to the size of Escherichia coli 1/6000, virus 1/300) reverse osmosis membrane (RO membrane), Make the high concentration of water into low concentration of water, and industrial pollutants, heavy metals, bacteria, viruses and other impurities mixed into the water are all isolated, so as to meet the prescribed physical and chemical indicators and health standards for drinking, to produce clear to pure water, is the best choice for the human body to replenish high-quality water in time.

