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Freshwater resources on the earth are very scarce, and seawater accounts for about 96.5% of the total water on the earth. With this advantage alone, the 海水淡水化 industry has been labeled as a golden age, and the infinite prospects of 海水淡水化 can be foreseen. Even so, the development of 海水淡水化 is likened to a difficult industry, not only because of the high energy consumption of 海水淡水化, but also the high cost has become one of the bottlenecks in the promotion of seawater. How to solve the high cost while "turning" seawater into drinking water?

海水淡水化は、海水淡水化とも呼ばれ、海水中の塩と水を分離するプロセスです。つまり、海水から水を取ったり、海水中の塩分を除去したりすることで、海水淡水化の目的を達成できます。技術的に言えば、海水淡水化は比較的成熟しており、海水を大規模に淡水に変えることができます。近年、メンブレン技術は急速に発展しています。高効率で省エネな技術として、逆浸透膜、特に 海水淡水化は、その広範な経済的および社会的利益、ならびに環境保護および省エネ特性を示しています。


With the growth of the world's population and the rapid development of the economy and society, the global water crisis continues to intensify, and 海水淡水化 is playing an increasingly important role in solving the global water shortage problem. The huge water gap is a new opportunity and a heavier responsibility for the desalination industry.
