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While these machines can “shock” the air and deliver fast results, they can also be dangerous to our health, especially our lungs.


But first, you need to understand what ozone is and why it’s so effective yet so harmful.


We know you didn’t come here for a chemistry lecture, but if you want to understand ozone, you’re going to have to bear with us while we get into the details a little. Don’t worry, it’s really not that complicated, and there’s no test afterwards!

Ozone is made of oxygen molecules. The type of oxygen we are most familiar with, the kind we breathe every day, is actually dioxygen, or “02,” which is made of two oxygen molecules. (Technically speaking, we don’t actually breathe individual oxygen molecules, we breathe dioxygen.)

Ozone is simply three oxygen molecules, or “O3.” In the science world, ozone is referred to as “trioxygen”. This third oxygen molecule is unstable and only shares a loose connection with the other two molecules.

Therefore, it will easily attach itself to pollution, especially high-odor pollutants like smoke. It can also attach itself to viruses, bacteria, mold spores, and organic matter. After it attaches to pollutants, the substance is destroyed. The ability to attach to other molecules, such as smoke and odor, gives ozone it’s ability to clean and deodorize indoor areas quickly.



One of the most common ways to “clean” air and remove strong odors is through the use of an ozone air generator, also known as ozone machines or ozone 空気清浄機s. These machines are designed to create ozone through a simple process that occurs naturally in the atmosphere. However, like many things, just because it’s “natural,” doesn’t mean it’s healthy.

Because ozone is highly reactive, it is nearly impossible, at least with today’s technology and knowledge, to store it for any prolonged time. Therefore, it needs to be generated onsite through the use of high-tech machines.




Through this process, オゾン発生器s can be extremely useful for cleaning pungent odors, removing the smell of smoke, and eliminating mold. They are used in hospitals, hotels, and even 家s, but, as we’ll learn, they can be dangerous and must be used only by trained, qualified professionals.



Before 2005, “ionizing” 空気清浄機s, which were essentially オゾン発生器s, were used in 家s to clean air and remove odors. For a while this seemed like a perfectly acceptable practice, but in the spring of 2005, 消費者レポート 日常の住宅目的でのイオン化空気清浄機の使用を本質的に非難する研究を発表しました。

Their study found that five popular models not only did “a poor job of cleaning the air,” several of the units exposed users to “potentially harmful ozone levels.” This report brought to the public attention a serious issue with this type of air cleaning and caused the federal government to severely regulate and restrict the use of ioniser air cleaners (イオン空気清浄機)とオゾン発生器。

空気清浄機のイオナイザーは、ほとんどの場合、放出することによって機能します マイナスイオン.マイナスイオン発生器の副産物はオゾンですが、オゾン出力はオゾンエアクリーナーよりもはるかに低いレベルになる傾向があります。

消費者レポートは、政策に影響を与え、消費者に公平な情報を提供することを専門とする非営利団体であるConsumers Unionによって運営されています。






It occurs naturally, so it can’t be that big of a problem right?

まあ、ラドンは自然に発生します 紫外線さらに言えば、洪水、吹雪、ハリケーンも同様です。そして、私たち全員が知っているように、これらはすべて危険でもあります!


But ozone doesn’t magically lose its reactive abilities when inhaled. On the contrary, when ozone is inhaled by humans, it remains just as reactive. This reactive nature is what makes ozone dangerous to humans and other forms of life.





リスクがあるにもかかわらず、彼らは悪臭を洗浄、消毒、除去する強力な能力を持っているからです。とは異なり、 空気清浄機, you can’t operate an ozone air cleaner on a continual basis, but that doesn’t mean they should never be used. It simply means they need to be used cautiously. 


  • カビとカビを殺す: Using ozone air purification to “blast” or “shock” mold and mildew is a common commercial practice. Airborne mold spores can be harmful to health, especially the lungs and respiratory system. Mold and mildew can trigger asthma and allergies, so removing them is always a top priority. However, mold removal often requires the removal and demolition of building materials, including wood framing, sheet rock, carpet, and ceiling panels. With オゾン発生器s, mold can be removed in a relatively quick and affordable fashion.
  • バクテリア、細菌、ウイルスの除去: バクテリア、細菌、ウイルスなどの病気の原因となる物質は、多くの場合、ありふれた光景に隠れています。台所の流し台、バスルームの床、テレビのリモコン、さらにはソルト&ペッパーシェーカーなどの場所はすべてバクテリアや細菌を保持している可能性があり、家の中で病気になる可能性が高くなります。しかし、オゾン発生器は、分子レベルで汚染物質を攻撃することにより、多くの病気の原因となる物質を除去する能力が証明されています。
  • 臭いの除去: One of the most common uses for オゾン発生器s is the removal of odors. In the same way that it attacks mold or bacteria cells, ozone gas will also attack the physical airborne cells that make odors. This can be useful for many different purposes, including hotel rooms that have lingering smells from tobacco smoke. Another potential use is by landlords who need to remove the smell of pets from their properties, or by average 家owners who simply want to remove a foul odor in their 家. Using ozone gas is often a last-ditch effort to remove an odor. When other techniques, such as cleaning solutions and scented air fresheners fail, having ozone concentrations can be used to “shock” the room.
  • 他の用途もありますが、これらが人々がオゾン化学物質を自宅、ビジネス、および財産に放出することを選択する主な理由です。



As we’ve already established, when you use ozone, you are releasing a dangerous pollutant into your 家, so you need to make sure everything is done right.





If you own a hotel, multiple rental properties, or a business that has strong odors (such as a restaurant or pet-related service), then purchasing an オゾン発生器 may be a smart choice. However, if you are a 家owner, it’s probably wise to just rent, as you won’t need it on a regular basis and definitely would want to use as little as possible.



Here’s a few tips to make the cleaning process more effective:
  • ファンを低くするか、A / Cファンを作動させたままにして、オゾンの循環を改善します。
  • A / Cを実行すると、カビやカビのダクトを消毒するのにも役立ちます。
  • オゾン除去の12時間のマラソンを行う代わりに、臭いやカビを徐々に侵食するためにいくつかの短い期間を行ってみてください。
  • 治療中は、ペットを含む全員が家から取り除かれていることを確認してください。







